onsdag den 26. marts 2014


(        )  & Primal Beam Team hack invented the placebo-body which soon hack replaced the flesh and blood-body and any body else. The procedure is quit irresistible twerk-orgiastic.  Around 7 billion human being hack got placebo bodies instead of flesh & blood bodies. By using non-material bodies the humankind hack saved itself from global worming maggot holing the poles' rotating Russian roulette dating booming holy sucked God and Satan hack eaten each other with placebo neck and mouth hack even eaten Eden and placebo vomited it out in updated version of placebo-platonic fucking.But rebels against placebo-bodies hack heavy fucked each other’s udder-scrotum stratum heavy with children of flesh forward backflush sideward flash multi-poly-ward poly-amorphous Amour amok Hack Twerk-updated.

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