søndag den 9. marts 2014

Hanging on Golgotha heavy with child

My water hack broken hanging on Golgotha Holy Freakday I hack-flesh-flashed year zero to catch 22 22 being extra climax Antichrist absoloop desperado-hack-twerking the universe virusalimbodancing Medusalem Möbiussalami salmonella Gomorrah Kundalini ejaculady of Medusalimbotwerk shoulder-crunching, neck-splintering, soul bowel boiling my crucified casings abort munch foie gras. Total Niagara falls collapsed with broken back still hanging on Golgotha Cross I rushed my mouth down to my cunt upwards fluttering in the very same split moment gif'fen birth to the baby's head, which I bite off together with my ovaries misplaced flapping.

Swallow I forcefully swallowed the pretty virusalem-bloody crying Catastrorgasm-baby-head who fontanel-gill-gasped helter-skelter-gagling durch my stomach and duodenum and double Blinddärmen-volvulus momentum-mutated to a 1000nippled bosom out of my navel through which the Jerusalimbo-loop-dancing baby-head 1000-multiplied detonated racing ahead with all hesitation-accumulation-vacuum-power in ashes of light match-fixing world war 3.

Deflowering The baby-head 1000boomerang-raged round and round the world in one nano-second time-zapping in and out of all futures and all pasts in all corners. The baby-head doing the splits' tongue-pedaled on burning-bird-bike twerking the universe reversed smoking all cigaret doG ends backwards to Gods of birds whispering wings heavy with children. Morning hack broken brain-bridge bra world wide website-bombing. 

 Dancing in Tournesol-yellow-infrared- ultra-viol-turbu-burka of endless g-strings saturn-marsturbating the baby-head called Catastrorgasm fontanelle-flied tundra-tender wrapping the apps. Brass breast broody the baby-head with desperado-growing nose-toungue deflowered every human at any time GodotFatherfucking the world. 

Castrate my heart Swallowed together with the baby-head, Catastrorgasm, but left in my heart to make me commit suicide by ovarian heart attack (in stead of being crucified), the Christ ovaries undulated my heart world-swell-pole-melting until I suddenly regret the suicide. I twerkmutated all human-hands into big butterflies with castrate-tentacles flick-flacking in big swarms against me. But most of them missed to castrate my heart. Only one red-black beauty-flappy ear-robotrawbutterfly-flake-drone thunder-cunt-dropped directly to the point. Double-needle-hack-exactly with open tentacle-scissors the butterfly punctured my heart bursting my holy Christ ovaries egg-exploding the sky with cataclysmic clouds of my inflammation-anti-DNA in polycystic ovarian death-drum slashing the Earth in astronomic millipedetorsotornados. Scater-Skyper- Scapegoat-shame-giant- mutant-holy goosey all over still hanging on GolgothantalosJesusLoopGordian knotting the paradise worm op goose pimples united.

Gif birth  A lot of my egg-cells flied through tunics and trousers and via dicks up to men's wombs guzzling and slurping my eggs later to gif birth. The ovarian-punctuation-recoil-shock killed me, so my death was neither suicide nor execution but the exactly half-way house of butterfly-hands collapse-grasping castrating de-castrating castrating de-castrating.