søndag den 29. juni 2014

Uterus heath eating

Heavy with child I suddenly hack eaten myself into uterus and hack begun eating the fetus. I smacked my mouth into the fetus-flesh, I ripped and tore and ravenous munched and swallowed the fetus and spit out the placenta, which shot roots and long prongs exploding the black prompt box trumpet-petting God's cat of thousand flappy ears.

lørdag den 28. juni 2014


flying saucer daughter slaughter of the waters' borders norther naught thunder squander uigyæ 

transladybirding twerk booing being   

eagle Helga

my last daughter and son after doctor daughter duodenum disaster despairtwerking the world I am gorgonzola shitted out to antiUFOs space-time jumping with the speed of will


QÅØ                                          Rjdj                             csa                       

       d   t   px  z   p

                                               y  w  å


Besides my daughter HolyHackTwerkCatastrorgasm some of my wife's and my own double half placebo children are our siamessiah triplets Plazebra, Antiplausibling  and Ultraplacirkatreblinka, who are placebo-cerebral grown together. Conjoined in sickness and health till I  parted death into De & ath our two youngest children, who are placebo-organ-donors to their siblings.

DVopf pictures

Labyrinth labrador-oratory Yehova-giraffic park

I shit dead alive. Dead beings alive. Dead time alive I shit bloody dead planets alive  shitting dead moons alive dead stars alive dead war warper daughters alive I shit dead Gods alive.

torsdag den 26. juni 2014


Laying flying eggs and in the very same moment I am float-hatching them out to grow soon broody time warping reverse-hackers floating in the underground caves beyond and above Jo&Nat&Han my sons in law love loop with thousand legs millipede-torso-dotting the t's crossing the i's, stretching the I's.

tirsdag den 24. juni 2014

Placebo-bodies revisited nonbody

As mentioned the placebo bodies hack replaced the bodies of flesh and blood or metal or other material. Now only the non-material or phantomistic placebo-body exist for the human beings. Everybody hack been nobody or nonbody.
The flesh movement hack tried to remenshstruate flesh and bloody robuddies of bubbles double fatwar morgana despair bodies hack hide inside Mars camouflaging in singing smacks of microbe rocking horses
The high poker spotted fly agaric healing feather trimmed planet vocals lava spirals ripped people kittens gushed doctor daughter difficult doves though.

God's pants

I hack stolen God’s pants strutting around limbo- reversing the galaxies  to human gizzards inside the birds billions of bicycle lights. I raped children to Godot-UFOs transplanting myselves into all atoms and into the subatomic antiparticles' anti-structure. 

lørdag den 21. juni 2014


Ufo-beings carrotting me heavy with child. Hack decided to keep the children - fighting the ufo-cannibal-bulimic aorta only once a week eating human flesh fresh hack flash flush forward via sideward-antigordian knocking the hell door of cattails reverse-wagging the Messiah heavy with child to.  

fredag den 20. juni 2014

Shit alive

I shit dead human beings alive.I shit dead children alive.Dead dead children I shit alive.

mandag den 16. juni 2014


alive shitting zombies zoom being zone breathing solar plexus