tirsdag den 29. juli 2014

Nose changed to noose

My o's hack bin doubled to oo’s : For instance my nose hack bin changed to a noose that soon reproduced itself to thousands of nooses with thousand of dead people dangling from them. Some of the people hack bin executed by hanging. Others hack killed themselves.

tirsdag den 22. juli 2014

Red horse




redhorseremorse&suddenlyplacebuddharobottles&robutchersgobbletongueeggtomatoefuckfingerobotantitomatoamokdespiradooomezooombitchbangoomupdated25.augustto be cuntinyoued 

mandag den 21. juli 2014


Found guilty in mass raping humankind. But I denied. Because it was my broody broken terror error orbit bitch bang tip toe nose Tournesol Golgotha Tsunami Torment of Tantalus-daughter HolyHackTwerk who raped Homo sapiens total pregnant. I only raped Anders Behring Breivik pregnant. I raped his eyes, his nose, his tongue, his lips, his lungs, his liver, his whiskers, his fingers, his back, his stomach, his knees and his everything. I raped his neck heavy with child.  I raped his face heavy with child. Every single Breivik DNA-code I raped heavy with child. And soon billions and billions of ultra premature embryos broke out of their DNA-combinations. In spontaneous abortion revolt by self-caesarian-sections the embryos cut themselves out of their genome-codes.  The embryos floated and flied in transparent clouds  blended up with soul fragments and steams from mercury quicksand swamps.

søndag den 20. juli 2014

3d print me heavy with child

avatarwronggordian gorgonzola galoop hanging on golgata fucking war to Hell.

And kinder eggs' tentacles mutated to tantalum Tantalus trapeze witchbitching fractal-tails. The sky turned to 3 gigantic satellite-sperm-dildos of Saturn that 3dildo-printed me heavy with child.  

Limbo twerking the ozone holes

Position: Sitting with my head fontanel-reopened in heaven and my toes in hell and my ass in boiling globes. And between heaven and hell my digestive system pulled further and further. And top-secret with my mutant-gigantic thousand-buttocks-ass desperately twerk-trying to fill the galloping holes in the ozone layer. I am sentenced to this total sticky limbo labyrinth destiny because of my unmentionable and unnamed crimes against humanity.

Update:Yesterday in my brain-area some mirror-neurons united to kind of zombie-deadnettle-fontanel-mirrorbelly mutating to birds bursting inside-out imploding to reverse-birds. 

Core cord cross

The core or not-core or anti-core was an endless vacuum power, as mentioned, soul = vacuum sucking suddenly though centrifogfuck, what the gog clock. With my anti-core I'm the one creating the world. The impirateor, the one.

Still hanging on Golgotha mutating myselves to extraclimaxchrist. flash catch please cacophony honey holocastrate and decastrate me psychocat.

Flying Menschfish














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Ballet twerking

The collapsed universe was enlarged by balloon catheters angioplasty operated in through epileptic Elysian electro galaxies yo-yoniverse-clyster cataclysmic catacomb catalyzing cartwheel-star-war- warp-nipples baby-ballet-twerking.

Holy pig or goat?

I hack been found guilty in the God Satan Sperm Massacre and high treason against humanity. In court I holly hack been sentenced to transformation – I should be changed to a mutation of the Viking-pig Særimner from Valhalla, that endless should deliver flesh to the world. Morning hack broken angels of my daughters Deborah Duodenum, Digitalis Bird and Aurora to assist in executing the Særimner-judgment first bird twerking my body and person twisting me back to the infancy stage. NippleWaferStates fluttered wicks growing by face-disappearance in reverse cobwebs from eyeball to eyeball daisy-thundering robottomless itchy. Aurora played with matches and gasoline containers dancing in her transparent plastic burka burning dawn her labia labyrinth castles. But Aurora hack happened to thread the wrong end of the millipede through the eye of the needle. Therefore I did not end out to be the Særimner pig of endless hack flesh. Instead of Særimner I happen to hack been transformed to Tanngnjostr - one of the Nordic God Thor’s goats - that also can be endless slaughtered and wake up alive after each slaughtering. Therefore: Instead of pork I deliver thunder holy goat meat to the world.

Strawberries did their new job brooding donor souls. My 17. daughter Nirwranda boomerang-fucked the ceiling. After a while I wafer-mutated to flesh-book of faces. Only with exhausting gum force I could suck the billions  of cadavers out of their celestial bodies foot party on the rind crisp stronger  in my spine billion eyelids of galaxies melted into the thighs apical kissing the hollows of the knees’ flying fish nipple-bitch-banging climbing burglar dart freckles counting unknowns.

Lethal injection

I fucked the lethal injection heavy with child. I sucked the electric chair heavy with child. I munched the gallows heavy with child. I melted the gas chamber heavy with child. I licked the garrote heavy with child. I screwed the guillotine heavy with child.

lørdag den 19. juli 2014


Suckmachine gun. I fucked the wars heavy with child. I sucked the missiles pregnant. Every pistol in the world, every revolver,  every riffle, every submachine gun I screwed and screwed and screwed letting my dick dance in the thousands and thousands and thousands of gun mouthes.

fredag den 18. juli 2014

ultra-power powder

Ultra power Transfernoxladybird rook bubbleMutantAngel of ultra soul vacuum powers Klabauterpowder  doubt doctor daughter: Catastrorgasm who hack among other ultra powers: Møbious-strip-stroboscopic catapult kaleidoscopic powder power

cheese/cunt/six pack double half bosom scrotum etc.