Standing on the soul jar shoulder sun-saliva-fork-zapping: 3d print on demand, for instance my childhood being born baby soldier I fight wars. And hack later been chosen as a child suicide bomber bombing the hack fuck world, but kind of survive. And then happen hacked to be sold as a sexslave in the Time Jump Harem own by Pimp World Why Not Warping fog Godot Mandy Dali transladybird fabulist hand sign throwing reversed sign language. I was sex-operated to be an ultra hermaphrodigital cock-cuntcubine in shame flame gamma game gallows again almost killed me ultra twerking wafer-Tantalus-bulimia eaten Eve-eye after Eve-eye billion vomited the world. I then happen to hack bitch sent back in time, but first I hack bitchcoin-camouflaged myself to me my stepchild: the great time warp whore named WorldWarLimba, who holy hack bitch speed-date- crunching Hitler, Stalin and so on. I almost escaped kidhidden in Mustaches of Molotov-cocktails: But only almost, bee cross the thousands and thousand tails of my cock cunt got trapped in its own Burka Babushka dance. At last I hack my game-flame-damn shame-lips or labia operated. Via leopard-labyrinths of reversed lap-lobotomy I hack my vulva enlarged to endless labyrinth, that hack bitch giffen birth to son's daughters and daughter's sons until I happened to hack bin sexslave of aliens or non aliens from nowhere to Norway hacked down from futurelimbo worldwar3d-print: GammaRedboy Bitch bang witch virgin gamma paragliding cuntcocking clock orangutongue tangoon june solar plexus
By antidream anti machine we antivented the gangrene beam machine Doctor daughter gangrene beam team death streamed antidreammachine I am Gandhi bandy gangrene beam stream Water sorrow gate delayed Thunder cunt diamouth soundcloudbursting earth things swim swirl Holyhock hug hack double spy PirateTwerking my antarctic arab spring doctor daughter daffodildo daughter mutant respirator switch daughter Deirdre anticopycat holycopter Holly blow-jobs bleeding breeding browser growing galactic climacteric full birds world wide warping face Godot.
lost and found my
daughter doctor disgrace despair antidesperanto rhododendrones
gone zoombee, my daughter hack sado-sex-strangulated 117
Godotsex-costumers. She hack burst out to Godotcopÿrcat in helicopter catastrorgasm stradivarius stroganoff strawberry.