søndag den 6. september 2015

I hack killed everybody in the world

2015 wrelease the Booksuckject 
Twerk God pregnant
I hack killed everybody in the world and replaced with temporary spleendid ultravirtualbatrust edgxistance cataclysmic Nirvana twerk Lazarush rouletters placeboeing being boarbirdbitch I’m doctor dildo daughter slaughter flying sausagesoresauce cyberspinster reverseCaesarean section splitfirefetusbottomless Möbiabyss mutantmillipedetorsotwerk ... nosing God pregnant with Antichrist placentas burst Centrifugravity mutantalust ChagallGolgotaPancakeraping …
Googlutopianus Holy shit dead beings alive time bungeek-jump flash back / forward to Pariahdise antigordian knot the snake of Eaten I am when the snake was still a poly-millipede all legs later now eliminated punichtmensching Das Ding an sich raped me heavy with Holocatastration again and again flashbackforward upgreat THE FALL of whomankind upgreat THE HOLY GHOST sin. After eating the forbidden apple of knowledge also eat the apple-core of the extra ultra forbidden pineal-glanti-code the extragordiam gnoncode of explosionlove whistleblow nosebleed Möbius burst extra loops centrifugandhiomnipotent Ï hack bitten off everyone’s noses. Billions of noses replaced with nipples. Billions of women’s and men’s nipples Ï hack bitten off and replaced with toe-tongue-tip-volvulus ...

2 kommentarer:

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