onsdag den 3. december 2014

Holy Blood Goat

I shit dead people alive. I shit black white brown yellow red blue green blood. I am the holy bloodgoat of reverse noses. I am thousands and thousands holes of wings. I am the CockCuntAssholeAdam’s apple gamma mamdad. I am the red burst germ worms the rotating squid paragallgliding in billion drones Olympic liquid double cuntyounesting world war 8 recoiled from future to now crested above aborting sunriseeye after sunriseeye rocketing pets until the threshold calved wings of holes and almonds popping from pineal gland to pineal gland in eternity redblackmailed me to me or not to me antipeeing blood sun into the pajama and the shirt and the jeans of smoking guns growing out of the face into God mooned me to dog ends of bastar war fingers butts bordering g-strings of the anus-cock-cunt coconut-smoking Stradivarius.

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