torsdag den 30. oktober 2014

onsdag den 29. oktober 2014

Brain of toes

The fingers’ navel was the hallows of the knees and the ears the tongue was the brain of toes the nose was the mouth of world why witch of thousand billions apple-cores each apple-core was an eye of kernels cut to a caries-labyrinth in the teeth was the face ultra-vacuum-sucked me in. 


I hack bladeEveDevilWingExcremountain-raped myselves heavy with triplets born and hidden in the splits spleen anymorrow giant armpits exploding transladybird bitch boar beam spermatozolar plexus   

tirsdag den 28. oktober 2014


galaxative rape torture eggs rushed out in the gamma-night asking where to find my baby boy but again the answer hack bean total I am gammaRedboy lovefucked his placenta to enter Catastrorgasm's collapse-soul

Ducks and drakes

gammaRedboy played ducks and drakes ultra abyss stone skipping future jumping to his uterusalem virusalimbolaugh-limbing olympic absolooplegging in and out of his orbit bitch coining crunch flinch stone henge skimming scum wave weaver


mandag den 27. oktober 2014

Electra Hooker picture

Platonic Placentas

Platonic placentas lovefucking my cockmos sorry repeating but what else my brain hack hacked my soul or anti-soul


googlegammaRedboy am are ist bean bist Darwinietzschegavaragniggalaxstrawberry suicide doorhairy warcarry gooseberry gamma ghostberry must snow raspberry door berry elastic guitar electro hand berry

Siamissing Brother 2 pictures

lørdag den 25. oktober 2014

Text Eating Aliens AbelBabushkaBabelHacked

I swallow all fetuses out of the pregnants


Vomit are am the Nietzsche off the worlds double half gordian nose hack kneaded dew bleeding reverse erasers elevating and surrogating the transladybird-human-toes playing their-guitar's with camouflaged nails again holy shitting God heavy with child child child hack gif'fen birds to bottomless babushka God Virus hack puked everyone pregnant bones beyond the brain sinus growing maxillary inflammatory antonyms attacked the abysses. The internet is my body. World Wide Web is my skin inside out google is my nose growing electro inventing Eve's next EdenDysAorta my  face of locusts swapping to gregarious pink-yellow swarms of flying grasshoppers

hack updated sunday

fredag den 24. oktober 2014

The toes of Homo Sapiens


UltraFuckedObjects hack tortured my son and daughter and myselves Catastrorgasm GammaRedboy hack bean beam-raped to mutants but resisting Gammared nose-bleeding violet and blue blood from spleen to spleen gangrene twerk-tongues hungry hacking eggs and the TortureUFOs are disguised as Santa Claus

bird burst blue nose-bleeding

           tortureUFOs disguised as Santa Claus

torsdag den 23. oktober 2014

Tralfbino graviteam beam

I hack bean re-mutating last night back to Tralfbino infrared devil doctor daughter dough drone soon spawn sprawl sun-dragon-pregnant



Vampire eye high fire diet Recovery-gammaRedboy anti genome gone voids glory Lloyds to marrow marry heaven rat ribbon robbery raspberry river bird


I are am world perforator raping the planets to gobbles and raping the suns to bubbles of beautiful rats gammaredboiling re-puncturing the soul into double vacuum torture swallowing thousands and thousands of eye-apples app-labyrinth bitch-bang-hangings piglet- blooming pulled backwards through the God fontanelle Devil strawberry black berry bird rebird revulsion of ultraviolet sea anemones brain bloom yolk stroke folk people burst blur zap gap world of wardraft map swap swoop hoop whore apple-core crawling guzzling big crumple creep but andruid eats freaks through heat.

Pineal gland

The suckpower (gravity) pineal gland hack commeated  ladybird hack commeated the holy centrifugal force hack commeated the profit’s face hack commeated the quandroids hack commeated the doctor hack committed my daughter Catastrorgasm hack commeated the voids hack cuntmeated Laika hack cockmeated gordianknotgenomes hack cuntmeated sputnik hack cuntmeated punctuation infiltration hack commeated world wide warp hack commeated yoyotopia galloopia hack commeated antihospice hack commeated elevator-anticubator Immaculator hack commeated veganietzsche itch ism hack commeatted cannibulimia hack commeatted ultrasoul hack commeated GammaRedboy hack commeated GammaRedboy 3d-print on demand