fredag den 24. december 2021

photo: eyemouth

My gender is a third hand of thousand fingers growinging out of my cracked scull’s eternityAssholeEyeMouth holy shitting illegal antiConsonantVowels of billions bastardMutantSapiensInsects crawling the surrealphabet

lørdag den 18. december 2021

Reverse Messiahmorphønix

changed the title Reverse-skin menschine  

invented a 

metamorphosis mensch transforming human brains to pancakes of endless face beyondskinhungry I eat you from inside out transfuck dasein an sich

torsdag den 16. december 2021

your pregnant eyelids of zipper gums gluttonous streetbreed my tongue flanged to trillions of Stalin-organ-duodenum-ruptured intestinal loop tower laugh-eat-freezing global worm 

dine gravide øjelåg af omvendte malketænder frydgum glubbende klitoriskragetæer nossesvæv ynglefrås spiserør flænset til billioner orgeltarme

tårnfrys global ormning

søndag den 5. december 2021


incorrect to describe my condition as: "schizophrenia with bizarre delusions" it is not delusions but diametrical insights

kundalini reverse rampantly bleed-breeding insects beyondcunttrolled polysingularitybirthing youtopia update 19.13 : deleted forbidden words and inserted picture deleted from older post