fredag den 24. december 2021
lørdag den 18. december 2021
Reverse Messiahmorphønix
changed the title Reverse-skin menschine
invented a
metamorphosis mensch transforming human brains to pancakes of endless face beyondskinhungry I eat you from inside out transfuck dasein an sich
torsdag den 16. december 2021
søndag den 5. december 2021
incorrect to describe my condition as: "schizophrenia with bizarre delusions" it is not delusions but diametrical insights
kundalini reverse rampantly bleed-breeding insects beyondcunttrolled polysingularitybirthing youtopia update 19.13 : deleted forbidden words and inserted picture deleted from older post
søndag den 7. november 2021
Næstved Lupineroad
Across the terrace tiny robot-lapdogs pseudo-pissing electromagnetic radiation through the windowglass& through my eyes to the brain ejaculabyrinthcentrifuga fututerussian roulette fertilizing zeppelimbo
mandag den 4. oktober 2021
onsdag den 14. juli 2021
mandag den 31. maj 2021
torsdag den 25. februar 2021
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