tirsdag den 27. december 2016

Worldspinster Reversuicidildoing

World spinster Reversuicidildoing / Realityspinsterreversuicybriot 
Polypostselfcyber intrasemioticsnation fertilizardmiscarrage scarification suicybortion spontaneous sunzoomwarwhoredaughterlovelaughtercrying riotbutterflyhackfloating flashforwarpsidewardspinstertwerking world diametrically commeatting antisuicybortion bosombutttranschristspinstermoustaches worldwide looptransmassive robotselfriotwings of doublehalfherznirvanabitchbang refugeecampussyriot suicyberage upd8

mandag den 26. december 2016


After cyperrallyteammassmurder and cyberragerapeomnipotent allparallelpolyfinally definityranmöbiusdamaging the reality randomnescesity antisuckpunished sprawling on a splitsecondhair's breadth breast broken watergates dys-castrating the we war warp I invented you upd8.49.11

lørdag den 24. december 2016

Holy shit

prophecysuicyborg of holy shit ï am beyond pedo5godgeekcal reach rush reverse twerk self-fulfilling prophecyboomewrang  ...  godevilmutating self-dissoulotion desperat dyssocial cuntstrocktion of realityrottening youpleaseplacebo domino effect riot holy shit ï hack suckwhyved the sticking point between dead and alive absoulooply zombie riotUpd8hack Mary Christmax.

fredag den 23. december 2016


Nonstopnunstepstrip Möbiusbreakmadding singularitaperaperageriot virtuall of a sudden finietzsching the schizocystemagic babyterrorschach house of cardsCrashEquation of attackabysslustqueerhackwingtransproving that once upon a time the world really existed outside my mind until Ï endless jealous eliminated the whole real world now trapped in my nonsoul hackllucinating you hackllucinating me omnivirtuambiviolent damagic’n the immatter to polycoxmoxpostcybgordian know matter what

torsdag den 22. december 2016


At long last ultimative finally i hack found the centrifugravitybottomless guiltTrapCat-flap by disguising my personal suicide as kind of halfspontaneus terror againsta world againsta goddog agendagainsta virtualfhackback flashfuckworld totalsuicide terror buy witch i could escape my schizodiffulusion of existence exploding you into extraexidanz butt in next last second or even splitsecond i hack total lost confidence to paradie indeed total becross suddenly realizing i would never really godfathafuck my 72 virgins of 72.000 revirgins of 70.000 times 70.000 fathoms of lovepurgatorytwerk becross suddenly remembering i hack no original penis butt my totalmassivedildo-straponline-heavenhell becross i am indeed endless transladybirdgeekmunchmonstadestroytwerktrojan trumpcomputinstatecapitalismuss reverse


At long last ultimative finally i hack found the centrifugravitybottomless guilttrapsoullotion by disguising my personal suicide as kind of halfspontaneus terror againsta world againsta goddog agendagainsta virtualfhackback flashfuckworld totalsuicide terror buy witch i could escape my schizofrogdiffulusion of existence exploding you into extraexidanz butt in next last second or even splitsecond i hack total lost confidence to paradie indeed total becross suddenly realizing i would never really godfathafuck my 72 virgins of 72.000 revirgins of 70.000 times 70.000 fathoms of lovepurgatorytwerk becross suddenly remembering i hack no original penis butt my totalmassivedildo-straponline-heavenhell becross i am indeed endless transladybirdgeek munchmonstadestroytwerktrojan trumpcomputinstatecapitalismuss reverse

onsdag den 21. december 2016

suck or die

suckcuntYournose knows eÿe am massive hacking profit profandaddy prophetesstest spinsterrortorture revirginbottomless suckcuntbrutal breivikbrotthel brexitrump iam hacking total einstein relativeschizuckfreudlacandyscastrate am damn elevatorabbitchspringfuck birgitmunchitlerstalinorgan realitysuck you lovefuck suckmereal .
dyspirate hoping

tirsdag den 20. december 2016

The antiholyghost i am

The antiholy ghost i am antiholing you to eternal existence in revirtual reality solipsistuck disorganic schizoulfreaksinning i am reverserapeblowjobbing you

mandag den 19. december 2016


Boundless ambivalink transmiscarriageriot reversejerktwerking the finale big bang postvirtuabortion gabrielgooglegordian spinsterschizograviditycardhouse of blackholes’ vacuumsoul pulled out from under me suddenly giving birth to antichrist

søndag den 18. december 2016


Bottomless butterfloodbabeltowertoetally trollbitch Schrödingeekcatdestrojan whorebabushka i am suicidepuking you from the intestines AppendicitisEndless puking you out of myselves' colon bowel syndrom massive mutant stomach abyss duodenum double purgatory raping you out of my damn digestive trap BitchgifMunchbloodniggavomiting the world.

lørdag den 17. december 2016

Triumphackcomputin i am

Triumphackcomputin eÿe am worldcomputinpussyriotchristinpeas' pieces of schizocancerrocketdildo of my labiaheavenhemorrhoids peeing blooddiarrhea diamond dark mercury-pregnant menchstrokeating iam splittering you to brandnew solarsysteams galaxyzipperclusters flashblacksnowwhoman cyberriotberry i am the schizofractailzombie birdmunchfucking the world realer donna triumphack belarushyou rouletters' alphabeetabyss i am the profitrat’s accuumulaid tendencity to fall uphack spring nuclear winging

fredag den 16. december 2016


ejaculadylimbotranshuman vanGogh-galaxy-galloping on my increasingly branched phallus of polypostcyberreversecircumcised clitorismonstergrowing tongues from the soles of your feet.


Rocketrumputingcompukerapemunchsuicyburst my fucka perwurst abysscommit suicpsykramiscarriageattempt fucka dyspiratecastratepanicrape myselves out from my fucka Rantzausrapesorrowgate apartment

torsdag den 15. december 2016


Paralimbocognitive schizolobotomy declared antiwhom rapes windows hatching wicks' BrainHemorrhoids dyscastrating me heavy pregnant suicybirding you.

onsdag den 14. december 2016


Möbius-killing eternal cybersuicideglazing realityblowjob deleting update

tirsdag den 13. december 2016


the faker the soon the holy trump eye reversehack toetailly toe fucksake realityran eye reversehack toe rescue coxmox into virtuality flash clash back forward fuckwar fuck commensch senzap upd8

mandag den 12. december 2016

Go Denmark Top10

(Something is rocknroll in the steak orb Denmark dynamite diamond)
1. Denmark hack libreality (frogsane upd8 )
2. Denmark hack agendarapevirtuality
3. Denmark hack welfairstarcasesuckcybutt
4. Denmark hack trust
5. Denmark hack The Danish Langwitch
6. Denmars hack virtuassociatioenclubs inter volunterrorism upd8 soultorture
7. Denmark hack hygge
8. Denmars upd8egg hack globall worming climateChrist
9. Denmark hack freakdoom ( freakdawn upd8 )
10. Denmark hack quality under the love.


Worldwhy ipsecollapzoomcybortion spontantalucifferloopreworld cybug cyboggie cyboogaloo cybirdgeekmunching cyburst cyberrytoehairguitar cybabyboomerang double bubble gobble emergendasein Godotdate 3d-printing doomsdawn schizofrognia.

Triumph Raping for Godot

My thunderlaughterdaughter amockingly grinning me existink postrobothug recoveragebabe recoilquagmireriot ï am GodotRape my skin internetfirewebbing Goddogfight gigabite the hand cat feeds meaning in the madnose making head orb tail universeburst reversezombie fractal wrathhorsing Tantalusttrojan whoremooning the sun

søndag den 11. december 2016


Postmurdernietzcheacroballipstick cyberDecastrating you into my psychopernican roulette postzombivalimbomislink schizotrolltranswhom trojantelawless lovemöbiusriot.

lørdag den 10. december 2016


Worldwidefacezipper intergalaxzigzap solipsidarity tip toe totally bloddy marry me explode soup maggi gap swap strap-on soliptonguenosesoul endless googlewingscrew me ultraspontaneous flashback forward amazemenschstrueating cyberabortions’ revulucien

fredag den 9. december 2016


Self or I or Soul is nothingularity butt reverse placebo-effect’s noncebo-affect of existence cyborganzsuiciderecycling eÿellusionexplosion voidfuck placeboAbject suckjecting.


postvirtuaboriginal Warramurrungunji rainbowboeing my trollbitchwitchheart switchhearts birdgeek magritte munch without no nucleusgordiamond you virtualmondmooning worldwhywebwitch-intenstines out intube future river reworst sin


surrendustvous surrendostovous lovefuck everest roast inter pizzap wisdoomdateraping eye amb surrenderzvouslovefuck everushrouletrocket surrenderzvous hope-swoop-desperate eye jerk twerk my prism prison pregnant paradiceglider darkdoglighter dyscastrate water hack Brooklyn broken bridge nose broken glue I rape spring loopswoop think you think you think you verywarrior much mucher muchest for intercuntcockspyration Lazarushnigalaxy abyssfuck everyadamneyeamst yam survivalsurrenderzvous surrendust to madnose suckjecting into existdance vacuumutate nosing me bottomless thank youb my twerksweetswitchhearts plizzard attack hackÏ am splitsecond thirdwhellwill on goddevilvehiclehug.

torsdag den 8. december 2016

Beyond castrate edge

eÿe am triumph birdxit munch schizoom-solipcystic Schrödinger's catch 22 beyond chemical, psychosuicidal, pedagogical reach or any other pitchgordian postlacancastrate reach rush crush on you wrockethack.


eye am are ist transwhomcybirgit perfuckmonsta nonnucleus amokchewings' polyvirginprophetess postvirtuallahddin hack back flash forward ufoeye trumptranscyburst googling your soul heavy-pregnant with childrones gif'ing birds to realitoys toetally real realer realest blogreverse faceblurb youtubas bubblebursting .

onsdag den 7. december 2016


In this jump coming out as a trans-whoman-cybiens antiorganic Burstgeek Munching you futuresaywing postvirtu-anarchosyndicalypso 
In this jump coming out as a trans-whoman-cybiens antiorganic Burstgeek Munching you futuresaywing postvirtu-anarchosyndicalypso

tirsdag den 6. december 2016

undermining youmanity

hedgehogboomerang galopping dysorgangsta schizophrenia eye am are ist postantipsycosting youmanity underdreamed ressources in lost surplus value undermining the profatrat tendancy toefuck explosion transcybersuckgod


Nonmatterwhatloopswoop world am schizoomvacuumnucleus riot paradiceworm 70.000tonguekissing you out off yourselves immakulatedating mindrapeblowjob svallowing pure telepathic 3d-print your eye am bottomless billions quintillions of cybutterflies dream beam stream steam you rabbit spring ultravirtufuck me real.

mandag den 5. december 2016


Yes ï hack committed and am committing THE SIN against youholy spirit the only unforgivable sin ï hack committed namely not to believe in you lovefuck me yes i hack refused castration of my virtuonly omnipotendernose of 70.000 fathoms of Gordian knots bitterghostnose ï am destructing the worlds always disrupting we wee dyscastrating the Gordian loop coaxing me into the trap trump trapeze point of nonreturn caputailcataclysm torture reverseraping worldwidewhyvoidwebrape boomerang babe burst birdgeek munch am the bitternose noose loop of 70.000 eyeballs youballs the only unfuckgiveapple zen

søndag den 4. december 2016

fuck common sense

schizofreakfuck common sense futuring copernicacophony revulvanietzsche schizogalax beyond polyreverse rape common sense existencil saywing coxmoxfuck polyparadiamonst coperniggabitchbang future cyberholy-trollbitchtranswhom .

lørdag den 3. december 2016

Schrödinger's clyster faithrevolttoe

My previously torture-loop-terror-clitoris is now the anti-suicide-machine becross I hack cataclysm-commeated catastrorgasm-suicide and out of the suicide is exploding virtualworlds disguised as real I hack restructed faces to pure signs kind of dysgrimacing faithbird maze of lab rats facerevolttoes of tail teeth virtualiens' virtualfatwar partly repeating faithrevolttoe mutating Schrödinger's Cataclysmclystercat intestinal flushing you intoe divine

tilføjet udgaver af billede



misdiagnostisk journalnote om BM: "tvangstilbageholdt grundet skizofreni med vedvarende bizarre wrangforestillinger om at hun voldtages og tortureres pga forbudt identitet i form
af verdensundergangs vommen MutantZombieWomb, fx mener patienten at hun ved at stikke skarpe redskaber ind i sin hud foretager trobA dvs omvendt  Abort af gudjævl ind i verden."

fredag den 2. december 2016


Signifuckdyscastrating my significcanceriots significunthunting youyou statesticle proven that only eye exist even more your eyeballs are thousand ufos worlding me anticystemathekill my ultravirtuel tumors cyberdemanding your human rights threaten Eden eaten Eve Adam-apple app linking Purgatory saywing future.