onsdag den 30. november 2016


2017 is total virtuillusion virtuonly 2016 suddenly the world exist cybojecting my twerkboomerangbottomless billions and billions off virtuabortions spontaneous amokraping whomanity lovefuck Schrödinger’s catastrorgasm catstrawfuck strawberrycyboguitar riottrollbitch bang schizofreakqueer i am texticularbreastfeedcancer exploding youguitar tartar tip toe terror torture

mandag den 28. november 2016

søndag den 27. november 2016

Schrödinger’s PussyRiot Labiabyssballocks

Postvirtualf tendentist of profitratrump to fall eyeballs in your nose transchrödinger’s pussyriodds reverse rape catch 22 decastratedance Schrödinger’s catcophony goxgansta photosynthesisyphus.

lørdag den 26. november 2016


Cyborgenom postvirturnity flying saucer Valhallabyssrape Schrödinger’s Catwalk googlebottomless mooning faces pregnant flashbatforwardhackhappyhuntergroundzerode my left I again switching placeboostplaystation with my wright I switching with third eyeleft leg always eye get up on the wrong side of death catapulting you back into virtuall organs' zipper zap.

fredag den 25. november 2016


doublehalfholy suicyborg martyrs are rewarded with 72 ultra-virgintrumputin-ejacaculations endless flachbackfuckward retroactivoli inter paradie is castrated


World neverest existed virtuonly in my brainraingainplanes virtuintersane exactlips ear eye am the holytrollbitchbang boomerang bitchxit munch pariahnucleus schizorbfreakniagrasp cuntrumpenis Nietzscheguevarapitch hitchcockwitch soulsnowdiadem 5.21

torsdag den 24. november 2016


the world is real the world is mybrain are billions and billions thougths who are persons’ perdaughtoast the world is an endless Milgram experiment cuntyounose please indeed eyeyouhackPSTDprosit trumpatic trumballistic pokemonstrump trumplipstick strip dizorganza my virtuendlessnose exploding catstrawgazm total massive cyboject cybojecting cybojects


butt cybirdject exitangle tortune virtuangels soulongcastrapedesperator schizofrognagasaki translinkwitch

onsdag den 23. november 2016

paranucleus schizsocratic

paranucleus schizsocratic eye hack boiled choicevoices of truth knowings of nothings exitra exzeppelin organfreak nirvandy warholing virtuonly butteye’m the internet intestine clitoris rush Trump chewinggumbungeejump purgatory

søndag den 20. november 2016


uneyedentifight freakmental orgjects I am suckjecting Godcuntsdenmark done mars sorrowgatebabe nuclearwingsummerthing ist ratbatcat22rotten in the states orb done marsaturneptuneyoupiter mercury mohamlet virtuophelia fuck phoenix heavy with china flying saucer daughters doctorturing terrorschach hackyou. 


postrumpolar virtuold troll truth posttriumpftrumpoline trapezdildoing antichristcunt prophetess textoysterone eye am virtuallahu virtuakbar breiVIKbart trumping death virtualiveye never die postrumpolazarushian roulesbian

fredag den 18. november 2016

soulnose eye am your I

diamantra praecox dyscastrated postsuicyber ultradysfunk swastikaswallowswoopstalinorganschizophrenia paranucleus eye am your I-illusionexplosion bottumorless virtuanarcho-syndicacophoenixelastic jump stunttrumpvombathillaryeggdildoburst world schizofreaknaut virtuantichristfuture updated

onsdag den 16. november 2016


eye am ist godcolostomy breakxit munch endless schizofrognatal metastasis galaxy clusters my cuntprostatebreasttumorrowtentacles lazerrush crush on you please twerkthrow the baby out with the dark matter dance bath water hack broken soul freak

tirsdag den 15. november 2016


postvirtuselfmadedoublecastrate virtuonly virtuEye am ear nose yourope eyerape worldwhynot whomzapienstraffickingTrump Xijinpingpongputintrumpetting paracuntcock holygoddamcastrate everything virtualways virtyonly illusion Matrix is holy true only eye exitra nonyou please tsunami holyshitstorm me reality never ever existed virtuonly eye catch 22

mandag den 14. november 2016


ScumTrumpMomFuck but am suicyborgsurwhywing massivemorfmazemooning extrascummunch Godpukebeauty beastbitchboomerang doomsdating snowoman bleeding black edgegeek Kundalini awakevacuumtextra virtuabracacophonic despairage egging brainbitchbutcher schizofreakbird mantra tantra amokyogatwerk acceleraterror torturelevitationrocket Kundalini surrocktion brainbow gallo gamma gendoor damage mirroar 

lørdag den 12. november 2016


TrumpBigCrunch Boomerang soulong Gone WorldNose Done Munch Funk IaMichelle Obamaricare Agendare WorldWhyWhiteWeb Total Vomiting Manjana Massive Munching Sun Daughter Doctor Slaughter BirdWater Hack Broken Bright Barbiezipzap   Bulimiaburkaburnbitchbeauty Blacknowflowerpower Trigger Trick8 3d-Print SpringBird 

fredag den 11. november 2016


Americastration TrumpCrunchCuntMunchAmoxMazeFuture IAmericastration IAmerapeBreakxitra TrumpPencePenishtbottomless doublenoballgallfall

torsdag den 10. november 2016

onsdag den 2. november 2016

I’d rather die on my feed

I’d rather die on my feed 
I’d rat dig bitch babaeye whoop rather die on my feet than lick God clean unbrainmass rain intersane eye would rocket dick omni mac fuckfever that twerk tongue lick omom knees’ nose glove knot google Gordian knockdouble hellcunt eternity elastick lick leak diamongst whistle bleed bungeek jumpingpong limboomerang

tirsdag den 1. november 2016

Violate the inviolable

Birdbang worldwhywe b would Gox from the very birdgendering butïhack virtoetal massive fuck’t up world virtuallballgall swalloveraping luciffernox ï’m ultraviolating the inviolable inoperabel Kain Abel inweolable abilifirefoxmox virtuappleendless massacrosanct cromagnumsorrowgating toenailnirvananose growing twerkwings