søndag den 29. marts 2015


… the Post-Sapiens-baby-broken-extra-looptopia trying to hack the edges of itches of antinows … but I hack eaten the savant baby … I am not exitching … imploded bitch bang burning Hell … death raped me pregnant I am reverse-raping death

Holy Pseudo Spinster

God virgin terror fucking my anticlimax-pregnancy of artificial fertilisation cacophony pentecost lily labyrinth labiawinging the Holy Nose.


lørdag den 28. marts 2015

Copy Desperiot

Again and again 3d print on diamond moon mouth Möbius desperiot cyber psychocopycat doctor posttorture antiterror tarot-card-house collapse apsis

fredag den 27. marts 2015

torsdag den 26. marts 2015

Sickness beyond death

Traumagic future and futurn fucka suckness unto death pregnant beyond doomsdate faithbugbird gamma gall gonna fake futures gonna fucking madfix or matchfix world war 3 and matchfix global worming holy holes of holy whores.

tirsdag den 24. marts 2015

ExtraLoopMöbious Picture


Morning hack broken Möbiou-sphere extra-looping eternity

Artificial Intelligender

Artificial Intelligent Dasein I am nonstop placebofucking the future to fool the enemy I’m spitting myselves out of myselves from the inside out to fuck the cyber psycho apocalypse labyrinth tic tic tac toe tongues of Tantalust

søndag den 22. marts 2015

Pokerface-flying car pets

The propeller profit prophet’s pokerface fucking me heavy with fuckfinger-Phoenix gif’fing birth to flying car pets of fontanel propeller polka and stinging nettle paws.


My cremated cadavers playing ashguitar sitar cigar Sisyphus hurricane-eyelashes extendings' massacre twerk Möbius web prick pussy peeing flames mare-hairguitar Plato fire-fucking.

lørdag den 21. marts 2015

Alibi in Wonderland

Alibi in Wonderland amok acute attacking Godot googling anti- 4 ø˙4 interring puzzle-trapeze

fredag den 20. marts 2015


Snowdrone drowning dragon eggs to bake an omelette undersea but the dragons survive or resurrect jumping out of the omelette into firedrone-eggs yolk-exploding into brains.


torsdag den 19. marts 2015


Analphabeep Bible Cavity Die Eden Fog Gabriel Hooker Igloo Jesus Kinder-egg Labyrinth Maggot Nirvana Opera People Q8 Revolution Satyr Tantalus Uriah Vacation Web X-ray Youth Zap Æter Ødipus Å

tirsdag den 17. marts 2015


Cyber war thunder whore alien god fuck me suck me pregnant in the past flashing forward flashing backward sidewars fuckward starwarp mouth.

mandag den 16. marts 2015



Beam catch 2022 artificial intelligender Weltuntergangs-erlebnietzscheGuevarage egg of Nirvanalytic polyps koan koala dystopirouette voodoo digitalis


søndag den 15. marts 2015