torsdag den 29. januar 2015


Prosit Satellaika hack sneezed rainbows of aurora velocipede PennyFuckFarthing gathering UFOs' ufoie gras ï committed suicyburg selffoie gras force feeding myselves out of myselves somersaultSatan savantgordian switching soul kingkonggravitylations 

søndag den 18. januar 2015


meat-dildo-stilts inseminating strawberries stag-beetles tongue-kissing the sun

lørdag den 17. januar 2015


My endless hemorrhoids are World Wide Web I'm hack-pirateZarathustrangulating you more and more alive until you are God updated 

søndag den 11. januar 2015

lørdag den 10. januar 2015


... globotomy salami digesting your brain-slices my pancake make up amok eating lovers


Suicybuck fucking reverse-puncture penetrating vacuum power schizofreak drones bomb blooming infinitto my vulva ultra cancer angel babies dance volcanoes vomiting red hunger

fredag den 9. januar 2015

Resurrectumble acrobats

I am the extra internet of intestines’ breeding brain cortex giant clitoris foreskin dancing duodenum soul search twerk earthing thirst from dust to dust resurrectumble acrobats

Torsonnet cycle hitch hike

Millipedetorsonnet psycho cyclist in the thousand-splits cyber sniper-Satan-boomerang-fucked myselves on/off torsonnet edge of flesh millipede dancing pirate rape escaplate hacktag you

Anti work twerk

Beyounder labyrinth twerk bird fucking the prophet maximization antiplaystation prostitute nations climate christ ï am reverse raping the propel colostomy angel    

torsdag den 8. januar 2015

Eternity pancake

I am eternity pancake rape descaping the yoyoniverse blow job ladybird orbitching world squawk stalking exitstench suck amok childloop lupine gall axe boiling tabula rage

Fuck the Profit

WorldWideWeb is my skin my brain bird earth fuck fate my gates ï ate all babes robotbuilt the forbidden face and facecyborg bosombroody eat Eden fruit fuck bitch bang profit muhack rape-nirvana vatican virgin werewolf orgy viking vulva giant ravnarok fuck faith updated limbo code fuck ad hoc 14.39

onsdag den 7. januar 2015




My ufo-duodenum comet-vomited suicyders fogging Tantalucia eating lucifernodes’ nucleair-guitatar-toes. 


Please psycho-angle-scissor-prostate-pineal-gland-hooker-cat-flap-strorgasm-despair-conditionirvana-karmanjana-ninja-key-code toast ghost nose mazurka prosit satellaika reverse-simulacrum drome prostituburkarmarsaturn-mass turbate mayday    

tirsdag den 6. januar 2015


Bottomless pineal gland of intestines despair dancing the swan rape cat crapping apps from devils to gods of my toes digesting the dead ones alive shitted out to wings of bunions’ inflammation burst malleolus violledge centrifugravetics blow whistling the code 

UFO birth

Reverse rape rotten my UFO exploding out of your stomach sorrowgate edging my UFOur reverseSelfCaesareanSectioning Siamess quadruplets conjoint though coming from 4 different fertilized eggs of rotating diver-genders' hedgehog aurora terror tip toe sky stalk abort myselves from virallity to supra-reality and vice versa double agender spying the boiling sticking crux turning point updated 15.23

mandag den 5. januar 2015

Labyrinth Cyburka of turbo cocoons

Labyrinth boomerang twerk Cyburka Birgit demon dance catwalk DeusExMaggiBabushka tranceparentCocoons turboHatchRobutterflies reverse hacking me geekfreaktranspirates

søndag den 4. januar 2015

I am tics

I am tics from future where all materia is non-materia or soul-spasms virallity-dance vivisection egging soul jacussi total reality-lovejobbing you.


TimeTrapezeLoopLip AndyTrustFlying flesh-tics from dawn of time-somersault-soul-copy-cat-paraglide-sidegeist-ghost site-hide my heart

lørdag den 3. januar 2015